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Proceedings of CoNLL-X
Tenth Conference on Natural Language Learning
was held on June 8-9, 2006 in association with
in New York City, USA.
Paper copies of these proceedings can be ordered from the
Association for Computational Linguistics,
209 N. Eighth Street
East Stroudsburg, PA 18360 USA,
phone: +1-570-476-8006,
fax: +1-570-476-0860,
e-mail: acl@aclweb.org ,
www: www.aclweb.org
The editors of these proceedings are
Lluís Màrquez and Dan Klein
CoNLL-X Invited Papers
An SVM Approach to Natural Language Learning
- Michael Collins
Slides: [pdf];
Related paper: [pdf]
A Mission for Computational Natural Language Learning
- Walter Daelemans
CoNLL-X Papers
Porting Statistical Parsers with Data-Defined Kernels
- Ivan Titov and James Henderson
Non-Local Modeling with a Mixture of PCFGs
- Slav Petrov, Leon Barrett and Dan Klein
Improved Large Margin Dependency Parsing via Local Constraints and
Laplacian Regularization
- Qin Iris Wang, Colin Cherry, Dan Lizotte and Dale Schuurmans
What are the Productive Units of Natural Language Grammar? A DOP
Approach to the Automatic Identification of Constructions.
- Willem Zuidema
Resolving and Generating Definite Anaphora by Modeling Hypernymy
using Unlabeled Corpora
- Nikesh Garera and David Yarowsky
Investigating Lexical Substitution Scoring for Subtitle Generation
- Oren Glickman, Ido Dagan, Walter Daelemans, Mikaela Keller and Samy Bengio
Semantic Role Recognition Using Kernels on Weighted Marked Ordered Labeled Trees
- Jun'ichi Kazama and Kentaro Torisawa
Semantic Role Labeling via Tree Kernel Joint Inference
- Alessandro Moschitti, Daniele Pighin and Roberto Basili
Can Human Verb Associations Help Identify Salient Features for
Semantic Verb Classification?
- Sabine Schulte im Walde
Applying Alternating Structure Optimization to Word Sense
Disambiguation ***BEST PAPER AWARD***
- Rie Kubota Ando
Unsupervised Parsing with U-DOP
- Rens Bod
A Lattice-Based Framework for Enhancing Statistical Parsers with
Information from Unlabeled Corpora
- Michaela Atterer and Hinrich Schütze
Word Distributions for Thematic Segmentation in a Support Vector
Machine Approach
- Maria Georgescul, Alexander Clark and Susan Armstrong
Which Side are You on? Identifying Perspectives at the Document
and Sentence Levels
- Wei-Hao Lin, Theresa Wilson, Janyce Wiebe and Alexander Hauptmann
Unsupervised Grammar Induction by Distribution and Attachment
- David J. Brooks
Learning Auxiliary Fronting with Grammatical Inference
- Alexander Clark and Rémi Eyraud
Using Gazetteers in Discriminative Information Extraction
- Andrew Smith and Miles Osborne
A Context Pattern Induction Method for Named Entity Extraction
- Partha Pratim Talukdar, Thorsten Brants, Mark Liberman and Fernando
CoNLL-X Shared Task Papers
CoNLL-X Shared Task on Multilingual Dependency Parsing
- Sabine Buchholz and Erwin Marsi
The Treebanks Used in the Shared Task
Experiments with a Multilanguage Non-Projective Dependency Parser
- Giuseppe Attardi
LingPars, a Linguistically Inspired, Language-Independent Machine
Learner for Dependency Treebanks
- Eckhard Bick
Dependency Parsing by Inference over High-recall Dependency
- Sander Canisius, Toine Bogers, Antal van den Bosch, Jeroen Geertzen and
Erik Tjong Kim Sang
Projective Dependency Parsing with Perceptron
- Xavier Carreras, Mihai Surdeanu and Lluís Màrquez
A Pipeline Model for Bottom-Up Dependency Parsing
- Ming-Wei Chang, Quang Do and Dan Roth
Multi-lingual Dependency Parsing at NAIST
- Yuchang Cheng, Masayuki Asahara and Yuji Matsumoto
Dependency Parsing with Reference to Slovene, Spanish and Swedish
- Simon Corston-Oliver and Anthony Aue
Vine Parsing and Minimum Risk Reranking for Speed and Precision
- Markus Dreyer, David A. Smith and Noah A. Smith
Investigating Multilingual Dependency Parsing
- Richard Johansson and Pierre Nugues
Dependency Parsing Based on Dynamic Local Optimization
- Ting Liu, Jinshan Ma, Huijia Zhu and Sheng Li
Multilingual Dependency Analysis with a Two-Stage Discriminative
- Ryan McDonald, Kevin Lerman and Fernando Pereira
Labeled Pseudo-Projective Dependency Parsing with Support Vector Machines
- Joakim Nivre, Johan Hall, Jens Nilsson, Gülsen Eryigit and
Svetoslav Marinov
Multi-lingual Dependency Parsing with Incremental Integer Linear
- Sebastian Riedel, Ruket Çakıcı and Ivan Meza-Ruiz
Language Independent Probabilistic Context-Free Parsing Bolstered
by Machine Learning
- Michael Schiehlen and Kristina Spranger
Maximum Spanning Tree Algorithm for Non-projective Labeled
Dependency Parsing
- Nobuyuki Shimizu
The Exploration of Deterministic and Efficient Dependency Parsing
- Yu-Chieh Wu, Yue-Shi Lee and Jie-Chi Yang
Dependency Parsing as a Classication Problem
- Deniz Yuret
Last update: August 18, 2008.